Terms & conditions
1. Delivery usually takes place in our plants or facilities. Goods are always dispatched at the risk of the buyer, who may also be subject to special terms of delivery.
2. Unless otherwise specified in writing, our invoices are payable in cash at Boussey Control Europe BVBA, having its registered office at BE-9681 Nukerke, Ommegangstraat 16.
Failure to pay an invoice or bill on the due date shall mean that all outstanding amounts on all other invoices and bills of exchange, even those not yet due, become immediately payable without further notice.
Should reasonable doubt arise as to the buyer’s proper performance of his obligations, he shall give security at first request.
3. Every delay in payment shall incur, legally and without further notice, an interest of 1,5 % per month.
In the event of an unfounded payment default, even partial, notwithstanding reminders, all outstanding amounts shall be increased by 15 % of the amount of the invoice or bill of exchange, with a minimum of 125 EUR as fixed damages for loss incurred, and by possible court expenses.
In the event of a delayed payment, we are moreover entitled to suspend or cancel the execution of current orders or all obligations vis-à-vis the buyer and claim damages, without prior notice or legal proceedings.
4. All invoices shall be considered as accepted unless a specific complaint in writing is made within 5 days of receipt of the invoice.
5. All goods delivered shall remain our property until payment in full therefore.
6. All disputes shall be subject the sole jurisdiction of the courts of Oudenaarde; Belgian law shall be the sole applicable law. We preserve the right to address ourselves to any other competent court.